Declaration on the Whistleblower Protection Act

The new Whistleblower Protection Act, HinSchG for short, will apply to all companies, associations, and state organizations in Germany from 17.12.2023 – and thus also to us at EUKALIN Spezial-Klebstoff Fabrik GmbH – hereinafter referred to as EUKALIN for short.

On this page you can provide us with relevant information. We assure you that EUKALIN will treat your personal information and messages as strictly confidential. Only the content of your message will be forwarded. Only this will be transmitted and processed on this site.

We offer you the opportunity to submit your information by using the following contact form. It is our highest priority to protect you as a whistleblower and to ensure perfect confidentiality. Unauthorized persons will not have access to your message to us. 

Your information will be viewed by the person responsible. You will receive confirmation of receipt of your report within seven days. Within three months of confirmation of receipt of your report at the latest, we will notify you of any follow-up measures planned or already taken and the reasons for these. This follow-up may include various steps, such as taking appropriate action to remedy the problem reported or initiating an internal investigation. If there is a lack of evidence or other reasons, the procedure may also be closed.

Please be assured that we attach great importance to the protection of your data, the information you provide and complete documentation. All reports we receive are documented in compliance with confidentiality obligations. This documentation can be used as evidence in accordance with the HinSchG if necessary. The current law stipulates that this data is stored for three years after the end of the procedure and then deleted.

We would like to point out that personal data is processed on this site. However, while setting up and implementing the reporting procedure, we strictly adhere to all legal data protection regulations. Both the personal data of the whistleblower and any accused third parties are processed in compliance with the EU General Data Protection Regulation and the German Federal Data Protection Act.

Further information on data protection can be found in our privacy policy. Further information on the Whistleblower Protection Act can also be found here.

The new Whistleblower Protection Act is important to us at EUKALIN

It is extremely important for us at EUKALIN to assure you once again that we attach the utmost importance to the Whistleblower Protection Act. Transparency and a sense of responsibility are extremely important to our business philosophy. We therefore greatly appreciate your support and trust in the form of the information you have provided.

For EUKALIN, responsible behavior is the basis for ethically sound and customer-friendly business activities. With your comments, you are helping us to continue the right path. It is important to us that you always feel safe and comfortable in your dealings with EUKALIN and our products.

It is our highest priority that your comments are anonymized. After all, it is extremely important that you can express your comments, concerns, and remarks completely freely and honestly without having to worry about possible negative consequences. We protect your identity and treat your information with the utmost care and responsibility.

It is invaluable to us that you are committed to a transparent business world. With your information, you help us to uncover grievances and, above all, to take the necessary steps for future improvements. Your communication and participation demonstrate a sense of responsibility and integrity – values that we at EUKALIN deeply value.

We would therefore like to thank you for your commitment and trust. We at EUKALIN will continue to take all necessary measures to handle your concerns appropriately and to fully protect your personal information.

ISO 9001:2015
ISO 14001:2015

The terrible storms have heavily damaged our region. EUKALIN was fortunately untouched, but with regret we have followed the effects of the storm and our thoughts are with the victims and the courageous emergency services and all supporters!